#entire library

Publishing news tagged with #entire library

The best Prime Day Kindle deals on Amazon’s ereaders

Ereaders make it easy to take an entire library of books with you, and E Ink screens tend to be easier on your eyes than a tablet’s LED display. Amazon Kindles are easily the most popular ereader on the market — but they don’t go on sale often. Now that Amazon’s (twice) yearly Prime Day sale has... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Engadget | 2024-07-16 19:16:07 UTC ]

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Score a year of Hulu for just $2 a month for Black Friday

Streaming services are getting more expensive, and it doesn’t help that it seems like all the good stuff is spreading out a lot more. If you’re feeling the cable-style pinch of increasing prices and ever-expanding subscriptions, you should check out this deal on Hulu. You can get access to the... Continue reading >>
[ Source: PC World | 2022-11-23 11:00:00 UTC ]

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Facebook videos have fleeting lives

When a brand uploads a new video to Facebook, 94 percent of views it generates in the following week happen on that video, says Visible Measures. The stat shows that while video is booming on Facebook, it’s still difficult for brands and publishers to get people to watch their entire library,... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2015-09-21 00:00:00 UTC ]

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View 70+ file types with Free Editor

Office, PDFs, ebooks, archives, audio, video, images: the average PC owner regularly encounters a lengthy list of file formats, and viewing them all typically requires an entire library of software. Free Editor claims it can simplify all that by opening 70-plus file formats from a single... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Betanews | 2015-02-05 00:00:00 UTC ]

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