#bookstore giants

Publishing news tagged with #bookstore giants

Amazon, that upstart online bookstore, turns 25 (Photos)

Since its launch 25 years ago, Amazon's reach has extended well beyond an online bookstore. And while it may seem obvious today, at the time Jeff Bezos was working to get his idea to the masses, many investors thought it would be no match for bookstore giants like Borders and Barnes &... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Silicon Valley Business Journal | 2019-07-08 11:14:14 UTC ]

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Amazon, that upstart online bookstore, turns 25 (Photos)

Since its launch 25 years ago, Amazon's reach has extended well beyond an online bookstore. And while it may seem obvious today, at the time Jeff Bezos was working to get his idea to the masses, many investors thought it would be no match for bookstore giants like Borders and Barnes and... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Silicon Valley Business Journal | 2019-07-08 10:53:45 UTC ]

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(PHOTOS) Amazon, that upstart online bookstore, turns 25: A history in photos

Since its launch 25 years ago, Amazon's reach has extended well beyond an online bookstore. And while it may seem obvious today, at the time Jeff Bezos was working to get his idea to the masses, many investors thought it would be no match for bookstore giants like Borders and Barnes and... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Silicon Valley Business Journal | 2019-07-08 10:00:00 UTC ]

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Amazon, that upstart online bookstore, turns 25 (Photos)

Since its launch 25 years ago, Amazon's reach has extended well beyond an online bookstore. And while it may seem obvious today, at the time Jeff Bezos was working to get his idea to the masses, many investors thought it would be no match for bookstore giants like Borders and Barnes and... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Silicon Valley Business Journal | 2019-07-05 17:38:09 UTC ]

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