If you thought "teens can get those $15.99 YA paperbacks from the library," you've missed the fact that book bans mean they can't. Continue reading >> [ Source: Book Riot | 2023-01-26 11:38:00 UTC ]
Cultural Cross Sections Elena Poniatowska In this column that originally appeared in La Jornada, Elena Poniatowska considers the role of editors and talks with Diego Rabasa, founder of publisher Sexto Piso. Already precarious, the pandemic lockdown has... Continue reading >> [ Source: World Literature Today | 2020-06-03 21:05:48 UTC ]
Pandemic Dispatches Elena Poniatowska In this column that originally appeared in La Jornada, Elena Poniatowska considers the role of editors and talks with Diego Rabasa, founder of publisher Sexto Piso. Already precarious, the pandemic lockdown has made... Continue reading >> [ Source: World Literature Today | 2020-06-03 21:05:48 UTC ]