#book marketer

Publishing news tagged with #book marketer

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Lockdown diaries: the book marketer

If you’d asked me how I was coping a month ago, the truth would have been not so well actually. I let the anxiety that so many of us have been feeling overwhelm me, and I was tired of all the Zoom. SO TIRED. Continue reading at 'The Bookseller'

[ The Bookseller | 2020-06-03 17:53:34 UTC ]
More news stories like this | News stories tagged with: #lockdown diaries #book marketer #month ago

What book marketers can learn from B2B

The job of a book marketer is a tough one. You’ve likely got more titles than time, tight budgets and big expectations, and lot of different stakeholders, each with their own view on your priorities. Continue reading at 'The Bookseller'

[ The Bookseller | 2020-03-22 20:13:11 UTC ]
More news stories like this | News stories tagged with: #book marketers #book marketer #tight budgets