Historical fiction can remind us that these "unprecedented" times are anything but. Here's what they can teach us about our current crisis. Continue reading >> [ Source: Book Riot | 2021-10-13 10:38:00 UTC ]
It feels as if we’re at a critical moment regarding discussion of free expression in the UK and the US. #cancelculture has been trending on Twitter; a letter signed by major literary figures warns of ‘rising censoriousness’; individuals are being stripped of titles and posts. With so much... Continue reading >> [ Source: The Bookseller | 2020-07-15 10:13:11 UTC ]
It feels slightly strange to be writing this introduction to the Books from Scotland special as the world, and the world of Scottish books, has changed greatly, perhaps even irrevocably, since we started planning these features some months ago. The impact the coronavirus will have on Scottish... Continue reading >> [ Source: The Bookseller | 2020-04-15 21:22:05 UTC ]
Affiliate marketing is no longer a side-hustle for publishers, netting only a few pennies on the dollar when readers click a buy button. As online shopping behaviors have matured, retailers have been increasing their spend in areas beyond search and display advertising. This systemic change is... Continue reading >> [ Source: Folio Magazine | 2019-09-23 15:03:40 UTC ]
Why a new era of multimedia storytelling, fueled by smartphones and powerful digital tools, means change for libraries and publishers. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2016-11-18 00:00:00 UTC ]
“Growing up, Cosmo was my lifeline to the world,” says Joanna Coles, the freshly installed editor-in-chief of the largest women’s magazine. “A world that I wanted to be in but couldn’t get to yet.” Piloting a global magazine, married to a notable author, throwing "dream" dinner parties, and... Continue reading >> [ Source: Fast Company | 2012-10-19 00:00:00 UTC ]