#bear fruit

Publishing news tagged with #bear fruit

Hitting the Books: Why AI won't be taking our cosmology jobs

The problem with studying the universe around us is that it is simply too big. The stars overhead remain too far away to interact with directly, so we are relegated to testing our theories on the formation of the galaxies based on observable data. Simulating these celestial bodies on computers... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Engadget | 2023-06-18 15:30:05 UTC ]

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The Morning After: Xbox Series S gets a key upgrade

The Xbox Series S occupies an interesting space in Microsoft’s gaming lineup, given it can play every current-generation title available for the Series X. It may be significantly less powerful, but it’s also smaller and a lot cheaper, making it a “good enough” option for plenty of mainstream and... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Engadget | 2023-06-12 11:15:55 UTC ]

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EnsembleIQ Acquires Lebhar-Friedman

Lebhar-Friedman, the 93 year-old, family-owned publisher serving the retail industry, has been acquired by Chicago-based EnsembleIQ, the latter announced this week. The deal, terms of which were not disclosed, includes a trio of trade magazines—the monthly Drug Store News, the bimonthly... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Folio Magazine | 2018-07-03 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Peter Mayer obituary

Charismatic publisher who combined erudition with commercial savvy to turn Penguin Books into a global brandIn 1978 Peter Mayer, who has died aged 82, was drafted in from the US to rescue a moribund Penguin Books. He took the beloved but by then loss-making publisher and turned it into a global... Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Guardian | 2018-05-16 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Facebook For Every Phone? Not Quite, But Getting There

The social network announces it is seeing huge mobile success, even on non-smartphones. That great mobile push launched by Mark Zuckerberg six months ago is starting to bear fruit. Yesterday Facebook published a blog post claiming 100 million users sign into the social network via its... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Fast Company | 2013-07-22 00:00:00 UTC ]

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