Digital Trends, which was reportedly in talks to sell to Condé Nast for $120 million, has mostly flown under the radar. But the 10-year-old tech review site has become profitable by honing its Google skills while other publishers chase Facebook and video numbers. “We’ve identified the cycles a... Continue reading >> [ Source: Digiday | 2016-09-15 00:00:00 UTC ]
BBC is selling Lonely Planet, to NC2 Media, a Nashville-based digital media company, for $77.8 million — a $120 million less than what BBC bought it for in 2007. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishing Perspectives | 2013-03-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
Adobe is buying Auditude, an online video ad-platform. The deal lets Adobe monetize its video publishing tools, according to ZDNet, by integrating Auditudes ad server with its digital marketing. The deal is the latest move into web advertising from Adobe, which was previously known for its... Continue reading >> [ Source: AdWeek | 2011-11-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
McGraw-Hill says revenue grew 7.7 percent to $1. 3 billion while net income jumped 16.2 percent to $120 million in the first quarter of 2011. Revenue in McGraw-Hill's Information & Media segment rose 10.3 percent to $227.5 million while operating profit grew 34.5 percent to $37.4 million. Continue reading >> [ Source: Folio Magazine | 2011-04-26 00:00:00 UTC ]