#individual words

Publishing news tagged with #individual words

Page 1 of 1 pages

14 free tools: Obscure yet helpful software from Adobe, Microsoft, and more

Many of the biggest software makers are known for their expensive, but nevertheless popular purchase programs. Yet many of these companies also offer free software with some surprisingly useful features. Yes, even giants like Adobe and Microsoft! This article will introduce you to these... Continue reading at 'PC World'

[ PC World | 2023-07-19 12:30:00 UTC ]
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Google's new tool will let EU publishers get paid for longer news snippets in search

Google has inked agreements with over 300 news publications in Germany, Hungary, France, Austria, the Netherlands and Ireland that would allow it to publish snippets of their stories on Search. The tech giant has announced the development in a blog post, where it has also launched new tool that... Continue reading at 'Engadget'

[ Engadget | 2022-05-11 10:25:45 UTC ]
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