#free version

Publishing news tagged with #free version

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Emsisoft Decrypter for Planetary gets your ransomware-riddled files back for free

Emsisoft has released a free decrypter tool for anyone who has been struck by the Planetary Ransomware, eliminating the need to pay a fee to the attackers. Before using the tool you are advised to ensure that you have removed the malware from your computer -- something you can do with the free... Continue reading at 'Betanews'

[ Betanews | 2019-04-08 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple reportedly wants free Spotify dead to pave way for Beats relaunch

As Apple works toward a relaunch of its Beats Music streaming service, it’s reportedly pushing labels to kill off the free version of Spotify.It’s a bold move by Apple if The Verge’s unnamed sources are accurate, coming less than two years after a judge found that the company colluded with... Continue reading at 'PC World'

[ PC World | 2015-05-04 00:00:00 UTC ]
More news stories like this | News stories tagged with: #free version #bold move #unnamed sources #judge found #ebook publishers #raise prices