#academic studies

Publishing news tagged with #academic studies

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Medical advances typically begin with a study. Now, universities are struggling to afford them

The rising costs university libraries are paying to access journals have implications far beyond the ivory tower. From new cancer treatments to debates about foreign policy, new information enters the public domain through academic studies. Now... Continue reading at 'CBC'

[ CBC | 2023-07-31 08:00:00 UTC ]
More news stories like this | News stories tagged with: #ivory tower #foreign policy #public domain #academic studies #libraries

A Dog Pissing at the Edge of a Path wins oddest book title of the year

Anthropological study of metaphor takes 2020 Diagram prize, pulling ahead of Introducing the Medieval Ass in public voteA Dog Pissing at the Edge of a Path has beaten Introducing the Medieval Ass to win the Diagram prize for oddest book title of the year.Both books are academic studies, with the... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2020-11-27 00:01:11 UTC ]
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